Last week I had got a chance to spend 3 hours at Bangalore
KSRTC Bus stand. It was just a one day before General Elections -2014 and also the beginning of one of the longest vacation in between working days.Obviously it was too crowded.that too for my home town Shimoga(276 KMs) because more number of buses were assigned for election duty.Some of my friends suggested me to catch a private bus which would cost me around 1.5 times more.But I wanted to travel in a Government bus as I hardly travel in a bus.
It was was 11:00 pm, only 90% reserved buses were coming .At least another 10 buses were needed Shimoga at that time.Meanwhile 2 buses to same destination and half filled left bus stand.A passenger asked an officer to change one of those two buses to shimoga;not in a proper way enraging officer.
Officer got angry and shouted "Bus ಬಿಡೋದಿಲ್ಲ ಅದೇನು ಮಾಡ್ಕೋತ್ಯೋ ಮಾಡ್ಕೋ" (I won't allot buses do whatever you want).This made public to raise their voice.this went on till police raised their stick !!
Actually officer was on his work to find extra buses.meanwhile an old police constable interrupted and tried to stop this 'Fight Of Words' between public and officers.Same time a 'Joker' yelled "Sir ,I'm ready to give extra 10rs. but he's conductor is not ready to give me a seat"!!
Everyone laughed and got confused whether he was intentionally said those word or he didn't know anything about the situation.Because many people had catched private buses paying double the fare !!
Officers could manage extra buses for every 10-15 minutes and comedy part is every time they were shouting "ನೋಡ್ರಿ , ಶಿಮೋಗಕ್ಕೆ ಇದೆ ಕೊನೆ bus" (see,this is the last bus for shimoga).Ther were several set of people who were simply discussing who to scold 'officers or politicians or election commision'.It was clearly visible that they were discussing for timepass.
It was 12:45 AM, an officer saw a bus which was going to hosur(TamilNad) without any passenger and he 'ran'(literally) towards the bus. He could manage a driver but not a conductor who knew route to shimoga.Conductor didn't even know how many stops were there in between.Appreciatory part is before opening the door of the bus, officer shouted "Ladies First" at 1:00AM!!
.Officer got an anonymous reply ""ಅವರಿಗ್ಯಾಕೆ ಸೀಟು , ಸಮಾನತೆ ಅಂತಾರಲ್ಲ , ಹೊಡೆದದಿಕೊಂಡು ಪಡೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳಲಿ ನಮ್ಮಥರ"(They (women)claim equality no, let them fight for the seat as we do".
If we look at these we can see A grandfather who always comes in between his family members to stop their fight,a responsible head of the family who never forgets his duty even his family members speak bad about him,brothers of different types - innocent,joking,selfless,selfish,A set of people who never works but speak a lot.etc etc...Totally i could visualise a family there.If we generalise it to the nation- My nation is "Bharatha-A Family As A Nation"
Because it's in our blood that ,
Discrimination saying
"This one is a relative; this other one is a stranger" is for the mean-minded. For those who're known as magnanimous, the entire world constitutes but a family.
People waiting for buses at 12:30AM at Bangalore KSRTC Bus stand |
At last I could manage to get a seat in 1:00 am bus.Still there were '3-4 bus people'.It was difficult to officer to get down from that bus !! that much crowd was there.
I'm not telling this is experience is unique or most joyful moment.But just don't miss those moments.